
Burka resides at the edge of the ever-growing city of Arusha. Home to the UN tribunals of Rwanda, US President Bill Clinton once dubbed Arusha “the Geneva of Africa”. This region of Tanzania is blessed with magnificent mountains, like Mt. Kilimanjaro, and  beautiful national parks, such as the Serengeti. As the hub for these excursions, Arusha sees plenty of tourists coming and going to enjoy these wonderful destinations.

Tanzania continues to promote the coffee sector and the Tanzania Coffee Board (TCB) is hoping to see increased production in the coming years. The southern Tanzanian area of Mbinga is being promoted on the world market by TCB and large-volume traders. As the quality improves in this area, so does the notoriety of Tanzanian coffees. Northern Tanzania Arabica coffees still fetch a premium on the world market and is highly sought after by Japanese clients as well as European and US markets.